I will come out and say it: I am not a Social Media Millennial. I mean, I am a Millennial, stuffed to the gills with existential dread, college debt, and a love of cupcakes. But when MySpace and Facebook and all the things came out, I was vaguely horrified. Why would I want to publish my every waking moment on the internet? I didn’t even have a smart phone until I was in college (and wondered every day since why I didn’t get one sooner. The best.)
I am not shaming those who love these platforms. It would be the height of hypocrisy as I consume other peoples’ content at an alarming rate and am in awe of their creativity. I think my own life is super fun and interesting, now that I am almost forty and finally have money and job security. I just don’t take pictures. Or make reels or snaps or whatever.
What I can do well is write. I love to write. I love to write fiction and scathing reports and erudite research papers. I love to write in my journal and make lists just to check them off. Heck, I even like to write in birthday cards.
Because of that, I’ve written a whole, real-life, published book, which sometimes jolts me out of my thoughts in complete disbelief. I mentioned to a co-worker that I had bought a new laptop for my business. He asked, naturally, what kind of business. And I said, “I’m an author.” Like, I said the words out loud and it was very odd.
All this to say: I am not good at any of this Social Media stuff. I have an amazing writing coach, Caroline Donahue (author of Oh! Murder, among other things), and she has encouraged me to try this whole thing out.
So, come along as I post about writing the sequel to my first book (it was only supposed to be one book and now it’s three…?), as I figure out this KindleVella thing (I kind of adore the resurgence of serial fiction), and as I make a place for myself in this vast, amazing, inspiring world of writers (seriously, you all are wonderous).
Please share ideas and subs that you love, people who inspire you, and things you detest with your entire being. I will do the same!
(Also, I just realized I am a true Millennial, because I debated that exclamation point for like three minutes, trying to decide if it was rude and abrupt to end with a period or if I came across as obnoxiously cheerful to include it. Your thoughts?)
Check out this cool stuff (includes shameless self-promotion):
Archer 887 (Archer: Book 1) for sale now on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and most other online book retailers.
Caro’s Substack: Oh! Murder
!! Always